Big Valley 50 Plus
"Serving Big Valley since 1975"

Frequetly Asked Questions
This area contains questions that are asked with great frequency. If you have a question that is not addressed on this page, please send us an email with you question and we will get an answer to you as soon as possible.
Q. Who can join the Big Valley 50 Plus ?
A. Any person 18 years of age or older may join. At one time the focus was strictly the senior population, however that is no longer the case. It is true that we do provide meals and transportation for the senior population with partial funding from PSA2AAA
Q. When are the meals and who are they for?
A. Our dining room is open at 11:00 and we serve lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays at 12:00 pm.
The meals are for anybody in the community. You do not have to be a member to partake in the meal program. All meals meet USDA requirements and the facility is inspected and certified by both Lassen County Health Department and PSA2AAA.
Q. How much do the meals cost?
A. Since State and County budgets have been cut, our funding has been impacted as well. As a non-profit organization we rely on donations and grants.
There is no obligation to contribute, a contribution is purely voluntary, no eligible participant will be denied service because of failure or inability to contribute.
We ask for $6.00 per meal for non-seniors
Seniors (60+ of age), we ask for $3.00 per meal.
Caregivers assisting Seniors and child, we ask for $3.00 per meal.
Without your support our program is in jeopardy of closing.